Sunday, August 12, 2012

Towards Excellence Part 1: Ideas and Wisdom

Ideas stem from imagination, and have a profound impact on the future of this world. If ideas indeed do come from imagination, then why aren't all of us able to change the world in the same way?

Do they appear in a flash? Is an Idea merely a thought that inspires action? If so does every thought hold the potential to change the world?

And if it is so, then why are successful people able to emulate and demonstrate superior results with every attempt they make?
(Image:  into )
Innovation is born of imagination and need , but manifests itself only when knowledge and skill, and effort are in harmony. Ideas improve with perspective and expertise. A person with great experience in dealing with people has his beliefs grounded in reality and his ideas become better with time.

We often say "Good things take time".....What is it about good things that takes time?
Good things do not come just from a tangential and ephemeral thought, they come from a deep insight and a greater understanding of the people's way of life. Such insights in turn inspire better thought.

But how do you explain the earth-shattering, and seemingly instantaneous success of eccentric individuals? Are they exempt from the ties that bind the average Joe?

The answer lies in the perspective. Ideas come from a sense of purpose. Ideas that make a difference require sincere effort, and conviction. An idea that makes a mark need not have taken the time but would definitely have taken the effort, insight, and a sense of purpose.

An Idea can change the world ...  Don't you notice it's "can" and not "does" ?....
.....sometimes, even great ideas fail... In fact, there's a belief that's quite infamous in even circles which promote change:
An idea is cheap, everyone's got an Idea.

What is it that stops great ideas from making change happen?

It is what we call wisdom.

Wisdom is one of the things in this world that's greatly respected but grossly misunderstood
To better understand, let's try and analyze the two beliefs mentioned above in the context of these series examples which seemingly contradict each other:

1. Should Sachin Tendulkar  have tried to to become a  bowler rather than a batsman? Would MS Dhoni have been a better footballer than a cricketer? Should Richard Branson not have made back Virgin a privately owned enterprise, and should rather have let it remain public?

2. Should Edison have focused his energy to something else when he failed to make a good bulb, the 999th time? Should JK Rowling have chosen something else to do when her seemingly unattractive childrens' books were rejected by twelve publishers?
(Image attribution : Light Bulb)

The answer is wisdom again.
But then, how could anyone else have the true potential of Edison's bulbs? or JKR's books?

Well, the reason this discord exists is because people misunderstand the very crux of wisdom.
People mistake the pragmatism, that both binds and supports wisdom, to be wisdom itself.

In words of the experts:
".....wisdom also calls for a higher form of surrender: the wise person abdicates certain privileges of rationality, of ordinary reason."----- La sagesse collective : principes et mécanismes (Collège de France)

True wisdom comes from strong internal dialogue.

A better understanding of the world, a better understanding of oneself, and of everything around one can be garnered by way of a strong internal dialogue.

How do you improve on your internal dialogue?...Here's how:

Improving your internal dialogue helps you decide when it's best to play to your strengths, and when it's best to persevere, to make disproportionate efforts despite failures so that profound change inevitably follows.
I'll be back with part two next week......

Change Begins Today,
Cheers  :) :) :D

( Note 1: This particular article and the series that immediately follows draws inspiration from the workshop “Towards Excellence” by Prof. Kumaraguru, and is brought to you with his permission and blessings  :) :D )

(Note 2: :if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation :) :) :D )

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Towards Excellence

Life's a race...but why do some people get it right, while others get it wrong?

...Because those who eventually get it right, were never taken aback by getting it wrong.
Those who dare leap, aren't afraid of crashing into the ground face-first, but rather believe in picking themselves up from the hardest of falls.

Then who are the winners, the champions?

In words of Billie Jean King:

Champions keep playing until they get it right

Excellence inspires happiness, and excellence is a habit, a way of life.

In the next few weeks, I'm going to share with the world, what I've learned in a considerably short span of time.

Here's a sneak peak of our journey towards Excellence:

1. Ideas

2. Wisdom

3. Fortune

4. The power of choice

5.Taking control- Change made simple

6.You can help the way you feel

7.The power of words

8.Using Belief

9.Emotional transformation

10. Understanding others

11. Reach out- Trident of change

12.From the self to others

13. The power of failure

14. Truth

I'll be writing on one or two ideas in every post. This is a one-time learn as you do workshop. I encourage you to hop on, and be the vehicle of change. Let's make the world what we want it to be.

Change Begins Today,

Cheers :) :) :D

( Note 1: This particular article and the series that immediately follows draws inspiration from the workshop "Towards Excellence" by Prof. Kumaraguru, and is brought to you with his permission and blessings :) :D)

(Note 2: :if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation :) :) :D)

Sunday, July 1, 2012


What a beautiful gift environment is given to us by god,what a beautiful picture comes to our mind when we think of lush green forests,birds flying and butterflies.

But today i feel disheartened to see forests cry,animals left with no place to live and the gas full of chemicals and this is all because of you.
I am writing this article to tell you that you must change your ways.I have no hidden agenda.I am fighting for my future.Losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points in a stock market.
I am writing this for all generations to come.I am writing on behalf of the starving children around the world whose cries go unheard.I am writing to speak for the countless animals dieing across this planet because they have nowhere left to go.
I am afraid to go out in the sun now because of the holes in our ozone.I am afraid to breathe the air because i don’t know what chemicals are in it.I used to go fishing until just a few years ago I find a fish full of cancers and now we have animals and plants going extinct,everyday vanishing forever,in my life i have dreamt of seeing a great herds of wild animals,jungles and rain forests,full of birds and butterflies but now I wonder if they will even exist for my children to see.
Did you have to worry of these things when u were of my age.All this is happening before our eyes and yet we act as if we have all the time we want and all the solutions.I am only a 19 year old and I don’t have all the solution but I want you to realise,now its upto you. You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer.You don’t know how to bring back an animal now extinct and you can’t bring back the forest the world’s grew which is now a desert.
If you don’t know how to fix it please stop breaking it.

You meet delegates of your government,businesspeople,organisers,reporters and politicians but really you are mothers and fathers,brothers and sisters,aunts and uncles and all of you are someone’s child.I am only a 19 year old yet I know we all are part of a family 5 billion strong,infact 30 million species strong and partitions and government will never change that.I am only a 19 year old yet I know we are all in this together and we should act as one single world towards one single goal.
In my anger I am not wild and in my fear I am not afraid of telling the world how i feel.In my country we make so much waste,we buy and throw away,buy and throw away,buy and throw away and yet no one bothers to share with the needy even when we have more than enough we are afraid to share, we are afraid to let go of some other wealth.You live the privilege life with plenty of food,water and shelter.You have watches,bicycle,computers and television sets,well this could go on for two days.
Few days ago I was shocked to spend time with some children living on streets.This is what one child told me ‘I wish I was rich and if I were I would give all the street children food,medicine and clothes.I would arrange for them proper schools and institutions  to study.But all this if I was rich.’
If you can’t love them just don’t ignore them,they are also a part of a family and you please start taking care of the beautiful environment otherwise in 2030 our world would look like a videogame full of machines and buildings with nothing green to cherish about.You love to celebrate valentine every year,this is a humble request atleast try and plant a tree every alternate year on environment day,even this would make a lot of difference in your life and your child’s life.
A little poem to go with !
We the freaks , yes we
Don’t even care to plant a tree !
To discover new our greediness grew ,
Can’t we be a little true ??
Mother earth is the one ,
Who nourishes u like a son !
We freaks do nothing but point a gun !
Mould your ways , it’s now our turn ,
We should not give her even a single burn !
Let’s take a pledge to devote a little time from this run ,
Let’s save our mother and let her cherish the beautiful sun !!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Inhibitions of today

"You haven't lived my life, and you don't understand anything about me."

Isn't this a pseudo favorite phrase today?

Do we not use our circumstances as an excuse for our inability, our shortcomings, rather than assuming responsibility for our actions?

Do you have a full time job that doesn't let you chase your dreams? Do you have a huge family to support that doesn't let you do so? Are you physically challenged, and feel defeated thanks to the unfair footing?

Do you feel incompetent because of your upbringing?

Well..I'm not some one who can empathize, but that doesn't mean I can't help.

***Enter the experts***

1. You think chasing your dreams is difficult ? Time to meet Leo Babauta, who does it with a family of eight:

2. You don't suck, but your excuses do --What's your excuse today?

Do you feel this is not pragmatic, time to recapitulate:

3. -- Proof of disability

4. Disabled, but fully able.

** *****************

You don't need more time or money. You just need to have faith in what you believe.

Life is not easy.

But you can make it simple.

Don't let inability become your disability

Change Begins today :) :) :D
Seeya around

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. Keep checking my new blogs( & .in...will be migrating there soon :) :) :D)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I want to be a writer one day. That’s what I used to think. Every time I wanted to write, I’d procrastinate.

I’d say it’s for people who can write really well. Turns out that the only people who can write well today are

the ones who began writing despite their faults

And then I began writing. (They say you don’t begin with a conjunction …Well… Let them say so ;) :) )

The first page took an eternity to pen.

There are times when I feel like quitting, taking a break, there are times when my writing gets incoherent. Back then, I didn’t know what kept me going. I didn’t know what helped me resume writing every time I shunned it away.

But I know now. I realized there’s nothing like an aspiring writer. Either you write or you don’t. Either you dream or you don’t. There’s nothing in the middle.

I don’t feel ashamed of calling myself a writer today.

Is that not arrogant?

It’s not. When people ask you how you’re doing, you remember you’re responsible to them. It’s not just about you.

Doesn't matter if it’s fear, responsibility, pain or just the raw desire that get’s you to do what you want. Tell everyone. Do it today. Be accountable to someone (or everyone )

Declare what you are and what you want to be

To yourself.

And then to the world.


Change begins today ;) :) :D

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. Keep checking my new blogs( & .in...will be migrating there soon :) :) :D)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Don't let pain go in vain

When we lose someone dear, things go blur. Comprehending anything or anyone seems useless. Consoling ourselves might appear pointless.

But do you want to let the pain go in vain?

Do you want to grieve the loss? Or do you want to celebrate their life?

We need to be strong. Become responsible. Do it for others, do it for ourselves.

It's alright to be hurt. It'a alright to fall, to bleed, but you ought to make sure that when you get up, you try and run. Use the pain as the reason not to let go, not the excuse to let go.

Appreciate things better. Make sure you change when there's time. Don't let it happen again.

What you can do when in pain:

1. Pain teaches us humility. Pain helps us realize how precious the things we have are. It helps us respect others, it increases our capacity for good (or evil). Understand pain.

2. When in pain, make it your motivation, let it burn your weaknesses, make it your teacher.

3. Let it help you focus, let it augment your emotional mettle, let it help you introspect. Let it help you take a break. Distractions can be good, don't let them become deviations.

4. Let it help you love, let it help you care, let it help you appreciate.

What to do when you're NOT in pain

Go and make friends  Real ones, the ones who don't need you, and don't just be with them till you need them. Be with them when you don't need them, be there with them at their worst, not just their best.

Help reduce others' pain. Don't just be satisfied with your own happiness. Look into the pain of others around you,be happy to help.  But don't help others for a sense of gratitude, do it because you care, because you want to appreciate what you have, because you want to appreciate them, and appreciate the world. Don't say they were not there for you, when you were not there for them.

Understand the importance of today Try to think, of how it was when it hurt, and understand WHY it's important you don't forget how important today is. Think of how much worse it could be, and make sure you won't later regret not acting today .

Stop saying you're grateful, start behaving like you are. Make a difference today. Rekindle the light that's gone off. In relationships, in work, in life, and in passion. Expect resistance and inertia, be ready to overcome them.

 Smile when you should be angry  Start with smiles.When people dear do something that makes you angry, irritates you, smile,and smile from within. Give them smiles if you're embarrassed to admit you care to their face. If you can't do it while things are heated make sure you do it later. Just because they understand it doesn't mean they don't need reassurance.

Helping those in pain:

Be there even if you don't understand  Be realistic. It's impossible to understand pain unless you've experienced it. Stop saying you understand when you don't .Acknowledge your inability to understand( Even if you don't say it out loud). Be there for them, despite it. Don't run.

Give strength not pain  Don't let tears go to waste. Give people strength. Talk about what they can do, or how you can help. Don't preach. Don't inquire into it in a way it's painful. Most importantly, don't break while helping others (or at  least try not breaking).

Keep reaching out to them:  Try to be part of their pain. Call them. Meet them. Make sure you're not being irritating. Show that you care, but don't interfere if they don't want to share. Don't intrude.

Stop trying to augment or belittle pain  Stop trying to project that it's a great loss. Mention and let go, don't nag. Don't keep reminding them while you console them. Also, don't try to make it look as if it's not a big deal, and even if it is, show how it can be overcome, not overlooked.

What not to do when helping others:

Stop underestimating pain: Try to imagine how bad things can get. Don't generalize. When helping others, don't say it happens to everyone if it doesn't. Help them recover, not just realize.

Don't object when they enjoy instead of being in grief  There's nothing wrong in enjoying even when in pain, even if it's against beliefs, people's happiness is more important than customs and deep rooted beliefs.

Don't keep advising,listen Give advice if and when it's needed. But don't cut the strings when it's not. Listen. Care. Help them conquer hurdles without directly suggesting how.

Change begins now, so make a difference today!!

Cheers and smiles,

See ya around :) :) :D

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. Keep checking my new blogs( & .in...will be migrating there soon :) :) :D)
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The gift of giving

When we help others do something, we feel content. We help serve a higher purpose. Yet we are afraid of giving. Why is it so?

Do you feel people come to you only when they are in need?

Do they not try to give back to you in their own small way?

They do. They don't, or some times some of us fail to appreciate it.

Why do people fail at giving, or at respecting those who give

People are worried about their life, their problems, their future.

Some lack the time, some the concern.

A few lack the enthusiasm, and a few lack understanding of the difference it can make

How to make sure you give back to those who made a difference:

Look into your life, retrospect.

Have you done justice to those who made it beautiful? Those who undeniably stand by you without expecting anything in return?

Call them now, thank them today.Thank them again. If you feel embarrassed in doing so explicitly, just tell them how they made a difference,how they help you smile.

Or just greet them, share your thoughts, try and alleviate their pain, their concern, be their for them, make them a part of your happiness, for they helped you in plight. Don't just do this once do this again. And again. Help keep relationships warm (More on this later ;) )

 Apologize, Connect, Renew, Rejuvenate, don't let go, don't take them for granted ( Well..lots more later ;))

Why it makes sense to give anyway :

Don't think of people as travelers who take shade from you, the tree.

Think about the candle that illuminates the darkest of places. It takes darkness head on.

When you are the light, you need not fear darkness. The darkness in people, the darkness in ignorance. 

In absence of light, darkness comes into play. You need not explain to people why they need you. They realize it in the absence of your advice.

But we must first understand the darkness caused by our own shadow. We must understand our craving for recognition, for appreciation.

How to appreciate the gift even better

Give away something you need, something you cherish. 

There is no virtue in giving away what you don't treasure.

Treasure the innocent bliss that makes its way to you when you do this. This is more profound to the soul than the recognition you seek , understand it, feel it, and respect it.

Do not belittle the power bestowed upon you, this gift of giving.

Give, and help other give.

Cheers and smiles :) :D

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. :) :) :D)

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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trust and compromises

Trust is the life-blood of relationships. An insecure person cannot trust anyone. Trust takes courage. Trust takes faith.

Relationships make life beautiful beautiful. Sadly, not all relationships are meant to be.When you pour your heart and soul in relationship, how do you stand by when differences tear it apart? Why let go of something really beautiful?Is it wrong to be selfless?

 No. So let go of the selfish desire not to let go. Some times, letting go is the only way to hold on. If the person doesn't care, then perhaps it's better to realize they don't deserve you.

But then we ask ourselves, is it wrong to adjust eleven out of ten times ( :X :X), to be understanding? Not really, someone's gotta be more understanding.

Adjustment is not compromise. Understanding is not letting someone take undue advantage of you. From another vantage point, understanding and adjustment help you let go of ego, help you be more tolerant to discord. Compromise forces to you let go of self-respect.

Adjust. Understand. Be flexible. Don't compromise.Live with pride, not ego. (More on this later ;) )

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. :) :) :D)

(Note 2: This is my first time trying to drive home two points with half the number of words..please share your views on whether you like this better. Or find it worse :X)

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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Because YOU matter to me

Each and every one of us is special, but what is it that stops us from being ground-shattering fantastic??

Because we make it about ourselves. What's the use of having a dream which doesn't include everyone..everything?

So this is my request to you. Help me understand how I can help the world.

Tell me what you think about the way I write. Tell me what you want me to write about. Tell me how it can be better.

If you don't like it let me know why. If you think it's childish, I request you NOT to refrain from saying so straight up. If you think it's foolish tell me so.

Let's create something beautiful. I write because I must, because I can't stop, but it's your support that gives me the solidarity to write better, with more vigor, and with greater conviction. Your comments, irrespective of the nature matter to me, because everyone matters, everything is important.

Kindly leave your comments on this page, on fb or email it to ,  

Let's help ourselves dream. Let's create something that makes a difference.
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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Growing up and the myth of seriousness

It is said childhood never comes again, but still the tall talks of growing up keep floating in the air. When we were children, we were free from the burden of jobs, package race, status, contacts, etc, but then, most of us chose to grow up. I can't help but ask myself:

Does growing up mean not enjoying what we could when we were kids?

Does it mean we ought enjoy what others expect us to, and  not what we actually do?

Does it mean acquiring clout takes precedence over acquiring friends?

Or does it mean putting up a serious face, and distance ourselves from pleasures people consider naive?

    Life is really important. Is it not but natural to place survival and acceptance above joy? It is.

That's where being sincere comes in. Sincerity is putting your heart and soul into something, and making it happen, even if you have to do so just because it leads to something more important, and by itself may not be that important. It's about loving what you do, when the converse is not immediately feasible. It's about being carefree, but never careless.
                                                                                                                                            Seriousness is something different, it is realizing that you need to do something, but rather than just doing it, making others believe by way of expression and appearance, rather than more so by action, that it's important. It's about telling people how hard it is rather than realizing the simplicity in things.

Doing math because you fear the test Monday, and not going out on the weekend, even though you know you won't begin studying till Sunday late evening is serious. Sitting in class despite it being uninteresting is being serious.

                Being motivated to study by the test on Monday is sincere. Finishing study by Sunday morning, because you care, is sincere, going for an early movie on Sunday night is sincere. Bunking class because you learn nothing, but being at home to study that subject whole day, is sincere.

                                                                                                      Not all of us do what we love, but it is more than just possible, to love what we do. We can think of the benefits, the purpose, the reasons for putting up with it in the first place, rather than waiting for it to finish and keep looking at the clock. We can start doing what we love in small steps today, so that we won't have to be stuck with loving what we do tomorrow.

Life is too precious to be taken seriously.

But what about growing up?


Do parents not become children when they play with their kids?

Do fully grown Indian cricket fans not jump in joy when Sachin hits a century?

Do we not really get the best out of life, when we are children?

                                 So should we break the shackles that tie us down? Not really, just leave yourself lots of slack. Having feet on ground, and something to hold on to is important.

So should we try to grow up at all??

Well I believe we shouldn't even try.

I say, Don't grow up, grow responsible. Never let go of the child in you.

Cheers and smiles :) :) :D ,
See ya around.

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. :) :) :D)
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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Friday, June 1, 2012

Greed leads to ruin?? Eh.. Does, it??

Understanding greed:
They say greed is bad. Greed brings ruin. If so, then should not the world's progress be inversely related to greed? Our understanding can deepen if we look at greed from various perspectives, and try to find our own answers to questions like these:

When parents look after their children, they expect their, love, kindness and gratitude in return, is this greed?

Does the thirst, the zeal, the greed for knowledge not form the foundation stone of all learning?

Does greed not motivate people to improve, to make the world more competitive?

When someone offers you advice, does not their expectation for appreciation equal greed?

When you love someone with everything you've got, is it greedy to expect them to do the same?

      If you've found your answers to these, then, another one : Is greed good? The answer to all of these is simple: Greed might not be good, but is one of the inseparable flaws of human nature, something you need to accept, and deal with. Then what of the scriptures? Do they challenge your understanding from the previous few lines?
             Again, the answer is simple, the scriptures, with little doubt are the guiding light to a better world, but before we talk of the scriptures, should we not try and be worthy of what they preach? What if our understanding of the scriptures is flawed? Should we not try and follow what they mean, rather than what they say?
       If you indeed feel that you need to improve your understanding of the same, then you need to deal more amicably, towards a solution rather than fighting the problem.

         I shall share my understanding,and approach I believe in, in the lines that follow:

Dealing with people, and greed:

1. The first thing to do, is that one must try and appreciate people for what they are, not what they want people to be. The world is imperfect, and that is why it's beautiful. It is important to cherish people because of their faults, not despite them.

2. Should you try and kill greed? No. Subordinate it to greater good, a higher impulse, to what your heart truly wants rather than what the world impresses on it. Would it be possible to be really rich, without being greedy? Maybe not, but it definitely cannot happen because of it, for instance, it was Sir Richard Branson's love of adventure, and risk taking attitude that enabled him to create the Virgin empire, it was J.K. Rowling's understanding of human nature, her great struggle that enabled her to create her international sensation. It was not their greed. In simple words: Money is a terrific slave, a good servant, but a terrible master. Make it a small part of your vision,yes, small.

3. How do you inspire and work your subordinates who have the veil of greed over their eyes? Inspire innovation. Inspire them to create something new, reward their efforts, and value their insights, with appreciation, not just with monetary incentives. Allow them some freedom, help them challenges themselves, to take risks and responsibility, do not merely delegate these, do not lay the challenges down yourself, all the time.

Impressing the right perspective onto oneself:

Is selflessness non-existent? May be, may be not. When you think of Mother Teresa, does not smart talk fail to explain her efforts, her way of life?

Should you try and be selfless, beyond doubt? Not really, just stop being arrogant, self-centered and selfish.
There is a great grey area between the extremes, long enough to inspire a life of successful endeavor.

So, should one be greedy? Again, my favorite phrase, HELL NO!! But I can't help quote, "Stay hungry, stay foolish" ;) :D

Creative Commons License
Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Some subtle lies,and death by OK.

How most of us land up in okay:
When I was a kid I was taught to dream, to believe that everything under the sun was in reach.As I grew older, I was taught dreamers are of little value in this world, to survive, you gotta be in the race. In 10th grade, I was told the boards would determine my future, in twelfth, again the same, and in grad school, I was taught that a good GPA would mean a glorious life.
                                                        Today I know better than ever, this isn't very true, in fact, not true at all. I ask myself at times, why bother? Life's OK today, and I can always pursue my dreams later. Also, everybody does it, or at least most do, and the world doesn't lie, does it? But then I realize,

**When things are bad, you learn about life, learn who your friends are, you sometimes even get closer to your loved ones, and you have life changing experiences. It can be really tough, it hurts, a lot, but with enough faith you can be happy, understand that pain can be good, and it's not like this by choice.

**When things go really well, you are cheerful, happy, and can spread this bliss to others, or at worst, blow it up and learn to value what you have and change.

Here comes the shocker:

** When you're okay, you learn nothing. You delude yourself into thinking you're happy, measure yourself by others' standards, redefine your happiness, associate easy with pragmatic, and forget how to dream. You push away what your dreams farther than you can imagine and throw away the most valuable thing in the world- time.
                                                                               Okay is when you know you're not happy, but say you are, not to others, but to yourself. It's when you know you're wasting time, but continue to do so because it doesn't hurt much yet. It's when you wait for the pain to become unbearable before you admit to being in the state of mind you are. Last but not the least, it's to be in this state because most of the world is.

How to identify if you're suffering from okay:
You always know when you're "okay". Because it's you can't be "okay" unless you choose to be. The greatest strength of okay is that is fools you into thinking you're not in this state, so how do you identify it? How do you know you're not lying? Deep down, inside, you always know, but how to make sure you bring it to the surface. Here are a few indicators of okay:

1. When someone asks you if you're doing good,and you reply good, your expressions betray you, when your hands and shoulders, don't indicate what your words do, your eyes scream "Hell NO", or try to find an excuse not to look into the eyes of the person asking.

2.When you get up in the morning, and are NOT excited or anxious about work. ('Cause when it's bad you're definitely anxious or be real calm, but are never "okay", and when it's good you're cheerful and excited.)

3.When you need to find reasons, to explain to yourself you're happy.When it just doesn't darn feel right.

4. When you're bored too many times a day( and for a sizable amount of time, not like 15 seconds ;) )

5. If everything is going too well, it means you're definitely doing something wrong. It's time to start the slow tweaking, to take more risks, to go from good to great, and even higher.
How to get out of okay:

1.When things are going wrong, or even not exactly how you want them to, admit they are, if not to others, at least to yourself. Admit things are going bad, and put your best effort to change that, and even if you don't blow away the circumstances, you'll be happy, because you do what's your heart tells you to.

2. Think of the most important thing in your life, what keeps you going, and be grateful for that, and start repaying the ones responsible.

3. Dream big, reallllllyy big, but dream as what you are, not as someone else, at least for too long, It's time to stop dreaming and envisioning.

4. Believe in yourself, let go of the inhibitions, have faith, because faith is the gift, not the way to it.

Last but not the least, don't confuse okay with a sublime state of bliss, wherein you're doing exactly what you should, and without good reason you're happy. It's alright to be happy without a reason, because you're meant to be happy, to cherish each and every moment of you're existence. ( Credit for this realization goes to Guruji, Pt Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,more @ )

In other words, sometimes you don't need a reason, but if you need to convince yourself again and again, than probably there's trouble.
In a nutshell: bad is good, good is great, and okay is bad, so I hope you're not okay ;)

Cheers and smiles, see you around everyone :) :) :D

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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The illusion of inability and how we can choose to change

This story goes back a few years in time, but light years with regards to the way I looked at life.A few years ago, there was this boy who was apprehensive about everything, what he wanted to do, why, and for whom.In the land of a billion, I find it surprising that the masses choose the few "hallowed" professions. You 're an engineer, lawyer, or doctor before you're out of primary school.
                                                                                                The fault hardly lies in the society.Society is nothing more than the people's attitude and ideas greatly magnified. There is no lack of creativity in India, and few facilities which help it burgeon, but this is NOT the issue of prime importance. The fault lies in the people's reasons for doing things.
                                     Till we want to be software engineers so that we can have a portion of the green, till we want to be doctors so our lives are settled, till we want to get in to b-school because of the "great package story" we can't hope that the society will change.
                                                                I admit, I'm guilty on all counts. I wanted to be an engineer because of the so-called "competitive edge", and then I'd be on to the MBA story before I knew why.But life had different plans.
                      I was diagnosed with AS( Ankylosing Spondylitis) in 2nd year.  I was never a physical activity person.Some called me lazy, some uninterested, and others bookish.Only I knew how I wanted to play cricket but couldn't run, to play badminton but couldn't really jump, and how my inquisitiveness was easily beyond books . My awkward gait and inability to move freely also made me unsocial to an extent, not to mention the person at whose expense people had a great time.But all that was the minor part of the issue, the worst part was that I chose to believe there was nothing I could do.
                                                      I could have been more sociable If I chose to, If I did not pay heed to the bullies and embraced my gifts I'd have done wonders.Instead of claiming it to be unfair I could have accepted that life is unfair, and gooey things happen and only I could choose to change it. I find it kind of funny now when I counsel ( sorry for the big word ;) :) ) others, and hope to give them strength.
                                                                                                                     Today I dream of an India full of adventure, where people create,work for themselves, and of a world where everyone can tell their story without the fear of who and how,do what their heart tells them, free from the bondage of society.Inability is an excuse, if you want to really do something, you'll find a way. Change begins today, right now.
                                                                               I've begun my journey towards my dream venture, and the story which I hope to tell (My novel :D ). Don't wait, don't give in to the "I can't do it , I need time- attitude." Begin your journey today, right now if you haven't already.
                                          Let's create a world where people are unashamed of their story, a world where people dare to fail forward, and then succeed, not fall backward.

Cheers to life :) :) :D

( Note: Forgive the typos, I'm jabbing at the lappy in a hurry ;). The credit for some of the terms I used, and for inspiring me to write goes to Jeff Goins, @ , thanks a ton Jeff)
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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Beginning of the Tale

Life is a journey...One with humble beginnings, but there are those who are afraid of beginning. With the right attitude life is a bliss, success can be routine and ubiquitous.This blog is dedicated to all those who want to move forward.Cheerio!
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Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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