Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Towards Excellence

Life's a race...but why do some people get it right, while others get it wrong?

...Because those who eventually get it right, were never taken aback by getting it wrong.
Those who dare leap, aren't afraid of crashing into the ground face-first, but rather believe in picking themselves up from the hardest of falls.

Then who are the winners, the champions?

In words of Billie Jean King:

Champions keep playing until they get it right

Excellence inspires happiness, and excellence is a habit, a way of life.

In the next few weeks, I'm going to share with the world, what I've learned in a considerably short span of time.

Here's a sneak peak of our journey towards Excellence:

1. Ideas

2. Wisdom

3. Fortune

4. The power of choice

5.Taking control- Change made simple

6.You can help the way you feel

7.The power of words

8.Using Belief

9.Emotional transformation

10. Understanding others

11. Reach out- Trident of change

12.From the self to others

13. The power of failure

14. Truth

I'll be writing on one or two ideas in every post. This is a one-time learn as you do workshop. I encourage you to hop on, and be the vehicle of change. Let's make the world what we want it to be.

Change Begins Today,

Cheers :) :) :D

( Note 1: This particular article and the series that immediately follows draws inspiration from the workshop "Towards Excellence" by Prof. Kumaraguru, and is brought to you with his permission and blessings :) :D)

(Note 2: :if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation :) :) :D)

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