Sunday, June 17, 2012


I want to be a writer one day. That’s what I used to think. Every time I wanted to write, I’d procrastinate.

I’d say it’s for people who can write really well. Turns out that the only people who can write well today are

the ones who began writing despite their faults

And then I began writing. (They say you don’t begin with a conjunction …Well… Let them say so ;) :) )

The first page took an eternity to pen.

There are times when I feel like quitting, taking a break, there are times when my writing gets incoherent. Back then, I didn’t know what kept me going. I didn’t know what helped me resume writing every time I shunned it away.

But I know now. I realized there’s nothing like an aspiring writer. Either you write or you don’t. Either you dream or you don’t. There’s nothing in the middle.

I don’t feel ashamed of calling myself a writer today.

Is that not arrogant?

It’s not. When people ask you how you’re doing, you remember you’re responsible to them. It’s not just about you.

Doesn't matter if it’s fear, responsibility, pain or just the raw desire that get’s you to do what you want. Tell everyone. Do it today. Be accountable to someone (or everyone )

Declare what you are and what you want to be

To yourself.

And then to the world.


Change begins today ;) :) :D

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. Keep checking my new blogs( & .in...will be migrating there soon :) :) :D)


  1. Hi Kshitij, thanks for visiting my site. I am glad to meet another declared writer. I would suggest that you remove "aspiring" from your bio. Keep up the hard work. Perhaps we will meet one day at a book signing.

    1. Thanks for the observation Jon, just did what you suggested. I've made a new website : , I'm busy learning wordpress these days, so, hadn't been paying much attention here. Let's try and keep inspiring each other time and again, hope to hear from you soon :) :) :D

  2. Yes, you absolutely should say you are a writer TODAY and everything else you want to be RIGHT NOW. Everyone is already everything they need... they just get clouded and can't see it.
