Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trust and compromises

Trust is the life-blood of relationships. An insecure person cannot trust anyone. Trust takes courage. Trust takes faith.

Relationships make life beautiful beautiful. Sadly, not all relationships are meant to be.When you pour your heart and soul in relationship, how do you stand by when differences tear it apart? Why let go of something really beautiful?Is it wrong to be selfless?

 No. So let go of the selfish desire not to let go. Some times, letting go is the only way to hold on. If the person doesn't care, then perhaps it's better to realize they don't deserve you.

But then we ask ourselves, is it wrong to adjust eleven out of ten times ( :X :X), to be understanding? Not really, someone's gotta be more understanding.

Adjustment is not compromise. Understanding is not letting someone take undue advantage of you. From another vantage point, understanding and adjustment help you let go of ego, help you be more tolerant to discord. Compromise forces to you let go of self-respect.

Adjust. Understand. Be flexible. Don't compromise.Live with pride, not ego. (More on this later ;) )

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. :) :) :D)

(Note 2: This is my first time trying to drive home two points with half the number of words..please share your views on whether you like this better. Or find it worse :X)

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