Monday, June 4, 2012

Because YOU matter to me

Each and every one of us is special, but what is it that stops us from being ground-shattering fantastic??

Because we make it about ourselves. What's the use of having a dream which doesn't include everyone..everything?

So this is my request to you. Help me understand how I can help the world.

Tell me what you think about the way I write. Tell me what you want me to write about. Tell me how it can be better.

If you don't like it let me know why. If you think it's childish, I request you NOT to refrain from saying so straight up. If you think it's foolish tell me so.

Let's create something beautiful. I write because I must, because I can't stop, but it's your support that gives me the solidarity to write better, with more vigor, and with greater conviction. Your comments, irrespective of the nature matter to me, because everyone matters, everything is important.

Kindly leave your comments on this page, on fb or email it to ,  

Let's help ourselves dream. Let's create something that makes a difference.
Creative Commons License
Lifestyle tips: blogging to make a difference by Blogging with a difference is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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  1. I like what you write and how you write it. I relate to your article at a level much deeper than just words and their meanings, perhaps at a conceptual level. And that is what keeps me coming back for more...

    I appreciate your courage and frankness in saying things people shy away from, mistakes people don't like to accept, and the way you portray them in a new light. And not in a "twisting the words" kinda way, but in a genuine, from-the-heart and derived-from-wisdom kinda way.

    I believe a good piece of art is one that can be appreciated by all men and that is the way it should be - art cannot and should not be judged, only appreciated. And that is all I shall do here, albeit at a slightly non-intellectual level - Bravo, mate! Keep 'em effin' brain-cogs turning and 'em articles rollin'... I be waiting for more...

  2. oh, and a li'l bit of advice... the image-text verification when commenting is a pain in the neck... do something about it if you can...

  3. Well your appreciation astounds me!! Glad I'm able to actually write something worth reading.....and about what you talked of art...I'll put it this my mentor (He doesn't even know he's my mentor.... :x) says..... Write something worth disagreeing with :D :D.....I'm really glad for your interest

    (P.S: I'm not a coder guy..but i'll try to look into the verification thingy)
