Friday, June 1, 2012

Greed leads to ruin?? Eh.. Does, it??

Understanding greed:
They say greed is bad. Greed brings ruin. If so, then should not the world's progress be inversely related to greed? Our understanding can deepen if we look at greed from various perspectives, and try to find our own answers to questions like these:

When parents look after their children, they expect their, love, kindness and gratitude in return, is this greed?

Does the thirst, the zeal, the greed for knowledge not form the foundation stone of all learning?

Does greed not motivate people to improve, to make the world more competitive?

When someone offers you advice, does not their expectation for appreciation equal greed?

When you love someone with everything you've got, is it greedy to expect them to do the same?

      If you've found your answers to these, then, another one : Is greed good? The answer to all of these is simple: Greed might not be good, but is one of the inseparable flaws of human nature, something you need to accept, and deal with. Then what of the scriptures? Do they challenge your understanding from the previous few lines?
             Again, the answer is simple, the scriptures, with little doubt are the guiding light to a better world, but before we talk of the scriptures, should we not try and be worthy of what they preach? What if our understanding of the scriptures is flawed? Should we not try and follow what they mean, rather than what they say?
       If you indeed feel that you need to improve your understanding of the same, then you need to deal more amicably, towards a solution rather than fighting the problem.

         I shall share my understanding,and approach I believe in, in the lines that follow:

Dealing with people, and greed:

1. The first thing to do, is that one must try and appreciate people for what they are, not what they want people to be. The world is imperfect, and that is why it's beautiful. It is important to cherish people because of their faults, not despite them.

2. Should you try and kill greed? No. Subordinate it to greater good, a higher impulse, to what your heart truly wants rather than what the world impresses on it. Would it be possible to be really rich, without being greedy? Maybe not, but it definitely cannot happen because of it, for instance, it was Sir Richard Branson's love of adventure, and risk taking attitude that enabled him to create the Virgin empire, it was J.K. Rowling's understanding of human nature, her great struggle that enabled her to create her international sensation. It was not their greed. In simple words: Money is a terrific slave, a good servant, but a terrible master. Make it a small part of your vision,yes, small.

3. How do you inspire and work your subordinates who have the veil of greed over their eyes? Inspire innovation. Inspire them to create something new, reward their efforts, and value their insights, with appreciation, not just with monetary incentives. Allow them some freedom, help them challenges themselves, to take risks and responsibility, do not merely delegate these, do not lay the challenges down yourself, all the time.

Impressing the right perspective onto oneself:

Is selflessness non-existent? May be, may be not. When you think of Mother Teresa, does not smart talk fail to explain her efforts, her way of life?

Should you try and be selfless, beyond doubt? Not really, just stop being arrogant, self-centered and selfish.
There is a great grey area between the extremes, long enough to inspire a life of successful endeavor.

So, should one be greedy? Again, my favorite phrase, HELL NO!! But I can't help quote, "Stay hungry, stay foolish" ;) :D

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