Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The illusion of inability and how we can choose to change

This story goes back a few years in time, but light years with regards to the way I looked at life.A few years ago, there was this boy who was apprehensive about everything, what he wanted to do, why, and for whom.In the land of a billion, I find it surprising that the masses choose the few "hallowed" professions. You 're an engineer, lawyer, or doctor before you're out of primary school.
                                                                                                The fault hardly lies in the society.Society is nothing more than the people's attitude and ideas greatly magnified. There is no lack of creativity in India, and few facilities which help it burgeon, but this is NOT the issue of prime importance. The fault lies in the people's reasons for doing things.
                                     Till we want to be software engineers so that we can have a portion of the green, till we want to be doctors so our lives are settled, till we want to get in to b-school because of the "great package story" we can't hope that the society will change.
                                                                I admit, I'm guilty on all counts. I wanted to be an engineer because of the so-called "competitive edge", and then I'd be on to the MBA story before I knew why.But life had different plans.
                      I was diagnosed with AS( Ankylosing Spondylitis) in 2nd year.  I was never a physical activity person.Some called me lazy, some uninterested, and others bookish.Only I knew how I wanted to play cricket but couldn't run, to play badminton but couldn't really jump, and how my inquisitiveness was easily beyond books . My awkward gait and inability to move freely also made me unsocial to an extent, not to mention the person at whose expense people had a great time.But all that was the minor part of the issue, the worst part was that I chose to believe there was nothing I could do.
                                                      I could have been more sociable If I chose to, If I did not pay heed to the bullies and embraced my gifts I'd have done wonders.Instead of claiming it to be unfair I could have accepted that life is unfair, and gooey things happen and only I could choose to change it. I find it kind of funny now when I counsel ( sorry for the big word ;) :) ) others, and hope to give them strength.
                                                                                                                     Today I dream of an India full of adventure, where people create,work for themselves, and of a world where everyone can tell their story without the fear of who and how,do what their heart tells them, free from the bondage of society.Inability is an excuse, if you want to really do something, you'll find a way. Change begins today, right now.
                                                                               I've begun my journey towards my dream venture, and the story which I hope to tell (My novel :D ). Don't wait, don't give in to the "I can't do it , I need time- attitude." Begin your journey today, right now if you haven't already.
                                          Let's create a world where people are unashamed of their story, a world where people dare to fail forward, and then succeed, not fall backward.

Cheers to life :) :) :D

( Note: Forgive the typos, I'm jabbing at the lappy in a hurry ;). The credit for some of the terms I used, and for inspiring me to write goes to Jeff Goins, @ http://goinswriter.com , thanks a ton Jeff)
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