Saturday, June 2, 2012

Growing up and the myth of seriousness

It is said childhood never comes again, but still the tall talks of growing up keep floating in the air. When we were children, we were free from the burden of jobs, package race, status, contacts, etc, but then, most of us chose to grow up. I can't help but ask myself:

Does growing up mean not enjoying what we could when we were kids?

Does it mean we ought enjoy what others expect us to, and  not what we actually do?

Does it mean acquiring clout takes precedence over acquiring friends?

Or does it mean putting up a serious face, and distance ourselves from pleasures people consider naive?

    Life is really important. Is it not but natural to place survival and acceptance above joy? It is.

That's where being sincere comes in. Sincerity is putting your heart and soul into something, and making it happen, even if you have to do so just because it leads to something more important, and by itself may not be that important. It's about loving what you do, when the converse is not immediately feasible. It's about being carefree, but never careless.
                                                                                                                                            Seriousness is something different, it is realizing that you need to do something, but rather than just doing it, making others believe by way of expression and appearance, rather than more so by action, that it's important. It's about telling people how hard it is rather than realizing the simplicity in things.

Doing math because you fear the test Monday, and not going out on the weekend, even though you know you won't begin studying till Sunday late evening is serious. Sitting in class despite it being uninteresting is being serious.

                Being motivated to study by the test on Monday is sincere. Finishing study by Sunday morning, because you care, is sincere, going for an early movie on Sunday night is sincere. Bunking class because you learn nothing, but being at home to study that subject whole day, is sincere.

                                                                                                      Not all of us do what we love, but it is more than just possible, to love what we do. We can think of the benefits, the purpose, the reasons for putting up with it in the first place, rather than waiting for it to finish and keep looking at the clock. We can start doing what we love in small steps today, so that we won't have to be stuck with loving what we do tomorrow.

Life is too precious to be taken seriously.

But what about growing up?


Do parents not become children when they play with their kids?

Do fully grown Indian cricket fans not jump in joy when Sachin hits a century?

Do we not really get the best out of life, when we are children?

                                 So should we break the shackles that tie us down? Not really, just leave yourself lots of slack. Having feet on ground, and something to hold on to is important.

So should we try to grow up at all??

Well I believe we shouldn't even try.

I say, Don't grow up, grow responsible. Never let go of the child in you.

Cheers and smiles :) :) :D ,
See ya around.

(Note: if you find my articles helpful, please like and share them. If you find them not apt , or even just slightly off-mark, please tell me why you feel so, your criticism matters, and so does your appreciation. :) :) :D)
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  1. grow ur responsibilities but dont let the childishness in u vanish nyc 1

    1. yep, interesting misconceptions need to be addressed once in a while ;) :)
